Location information is not updating

There are several possibilities. Please check the followings:

Sleep Mode is on

BoT measures its current location by sensing movement. If there is no movement detected, the location update will be paused to save battery life.  Location updates resume upon movement detection.


Unable to Obtain GPS or WiFi Signals, Making Location Prediction Impossible

In buildings (such as schools), vehicles, buses, trains, or underground areas, GPS and WiFi signals may be interrupted. Without WiFi access points, tracking location can be challenging. Accuracy may also be affected by weather conditions.

Solution 1:  Use 'Performance Mode' to predict location more accurately.

Solution 2:  Move the 'Notification Spot' to the school gate side or the entrance side to receive notifications. If WiFi is available, move closer to it. If not, placing the BoT near a window may help update its location.


High-Speed Travel Exceeding 100 km/h (e.g., Bullet Trains, Airplanes)

If there's been high-speed travel exceeding 100 km/h, the noise cancellation feature activates, halting location updates. After a few hours (once the speed drops below 100 km/h from the last update), the noise cancellation feature is deactivated, and location updates resume normally.

In the future, we plan to deactivate this feature. We appreciate your understanding of the current situation. (The lock time varies depending on the distance traveled.)


In Airplane Mode

In Airplane Mode, no signals are transmitted or received, and monitoring is not possible until the battery is fully charged. Once charged, Airplane Mode is deactivated, and you can use it as usual.


Out of Battery

If the battery runs out while in Sleep Mode without detecting movement, it may turn off without sending a charging notification to your smartphone.

Especially for BoT Talk, if the LED light remains on (indicating unread messages) for an extended period of time, the battery may run out in as little as 1-2 days. If there are unread messages, we recommend playing them and charging BoT frequently.


If None of the Above Applies

We kindly ask you to try resetting the device.

  1. Connect to the charging cable.
  2. Ensure the "light" lights up.
  3. Insert and remove the charging cable five times.
  4. Charge until the charging light turns green.
  5. Take it outside.

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